Magento 2
Magento 2 Software Recommendations
We require the following software for production instances of Commerce:
Nginx and PHP-FPM
Elasticsearch or OpenSearch
For multi-server deployments, or for merchants planning on scaling their business, we recommend the following:Varnish cache
Redis for sessions (from 2.0.6+)
A separate Redis instance as your default cache (do not use this instance for page cache)
See system requirements for information about supported versions of each type of software. -
This table shows versions of third-party software dependencies that Adobe has tested with specific Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source releases.
Adobe only supports the combination of system requirements described in the following table.
Magento 2 product price shows 0 fix
Problem in /vendor/magento/module-directory/Model/Currency.php
You can fix without coding by extension
Solution by extention
Magento 2 Currency Formatter Extension Free
Solution by patch
Fix worked for his errors
Magento wrong price is displayed for products on front-end
Magento wrong symbol is displayed for products on front-end
Magento show zero price
Magento 2 without ElasticSearch
Legacy Mysql Search Extension for Magento 2 allows you installing and work with Magento 2.4.x without ElasticSearch enabled.
This is simple and very useful solution for low cost hosting plans and non-big data in categories and products filters.
Simple for simple.
Huge thanks to the authors.
Disable Elasticsearch in Magento 2